• altera quartus ii v12.1 web edition
• altera quartus ii v12.1 web edition

 altera <a href="">quartus ii v12.1 web</a> edition.

You can install either the Web Edition or the Standard Edition of the software, for the last one you must provide the proper license files, to find the differences between the two versions you can look up in the vendor website. Installing such old software on modern systems is kind of a difficult and tedious task, so I hope these Dockerfiles will be useful for you. That is why here is a Dockerfile that ease your approach to the FPGA world setting up a working environment with the needed tools to develop on Intel/Altera FPGAs, it setups an old version of the software, in fact it is from 2013, but it works OK with a lot of devices families.  If you want to start programming right away on your recently bought FPGA devkit or in some cheap recycled board, you will probably get astonished to realize that you need to download about ~15GB of bloatware just to get started and build the simple blinky example, although that logic synthesis and technology mappings are difficult problems they don -->